Kokvik takes over from Maja-Stina Ekstedt and will start November 1st 2023.
– We are very happy to have Ole onboard as our new Director at Svalbard Ground Station. His leadership skills and broad experience will be very useful in the work to further develop KSATs ground station and services in Svalbard, Amund Nylund, COO at KSAT says.
Kokvik has a broad background and has, among other positions, previously worked at Andøya Space and at the Norwegian National Security Authority (NSA). At the NSA, Kokvik was the representative to public committees for space and a national representative to relevant European Commission Space Panels and Boards.
– I am both proud and delighted for the trust I have been given with this appointment. I look forward to getting acquainted with KSAT and all the people working in Svalbard. I am humbled by the important societal mission KSAT has as a world-leading company for satellite services, Kokvik says.