Since early 2020, KSAT has in cooperation with partners KSGS Spacetec, T-Systems, Geocento, NORCE and Con terra, been implementing the EOPORT platform in a project funded by ESA.
The first phase of the project has now been concluded, and we are now pleased to announce the availability of EOPORT to trial-users in an early operational phase.
The main objective of the project has been to implement a cloud platform which can reduce the time and cost for value adding industry to bring to the market their services for customers requiring near real-time Earth Observation information.
– The EOPORT platform is building on decades of Earth Observation experience to enable satellite sensor data within seconds for exploitation in a public cloud environment, Project Manager Andreas Hay Kaljord says. He’s been leading the project from the KSAT side.

EOPORT lets service providers and end users access Earth Observation Satellite data as fast as possible in a cloud environment. Through the implementation of ESAs vision of the NRT Earth Observation Exploitation platform, EOPORT provides simple set-up of complete EO service production chains or exploitation of separate service chain elements.
The project is now ready to continue in cooperation with ESA into the second phase, which will be focused on adding additional capabilities related to AI/ML and on-boarding new service providers and satellite missions.
Find more information about the platform and the project here.